Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Muffle Furnace

The Muffle Furnaces are widely used for determining various properties of construction materials such as the loss of ignition. Vertical lift door directs heat away from the user and saves counter space.
High Frequency Electric Sieve Shaker

The Sieve Shaker imparts a up and down vibration to the material being sieved so that it makes a slow progression over the surface of
the sieve.
Digital Display Drying Oven

The Geotechnical Laboratory Ovens offer a range of highly efficient, reliable, cost effective units to suit most drying, warming, and general laboratory applications such as soil, concrete, asphalt and aggregate.
Advance CBR Loading Tester

Bench mounting type machine, with rigid and compact design. By using DC motorised drive system to achieve more reliable and high accurate testing result.
Automatic Proctor/CBR Soils Compactor

Provides a fully automatic uniform compaction of specified effort, thus ensuring repeatable test results and eliminating any operator fatigue during the tests.
Universal Extruder

Used to remove Marshall, proctor and CBR specimens. Mainly used to remove 4”
and 6” samples from Marshall, proctor and CBR moulds.
Vibration Compaction Hammer

Used for the compaction of proctor and CBR soil specimen. By changing the tamping foot, it can also used for compacting concrete cubes or
beam specimens and compacting asphalt in percentage refusal density (PRD) tests.
Mackintosh / JKR Probe Apparatus

This equipment is particularly useful for initial site investigation work in remote area. Use in conjunction with control boreholes considerable area can be investigated quickly and cost effectively.
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

This portable hand operated equipment is designed to
obtain a direct and rapid in-situ evaluation of the structural strength of road pavement layers constructed with unbound materials.
California Bearing test

CBR method are developed by the California State Highway Department, used for the laboratory evaluation of subgrade and subbase materials in road construction.
Test Sieves

All test sieves are manufactured to International Specifications and are supplied with a “Certificate of Compliance”.
Electronic Balance

Our range of balances are designed for the lab but have the rugged features needed for materials testing. They include all metal chemical resistant dies-cast housings.
Sand Replacement

The Sand Replacement is used to determine the dry density of in-situ compact, fine, medium-grained soils and for layer not exceeding 50 cm thickness.
Proctor Test Apparatus

Moulds and rammers are used for determining the relationship between the moisture content and density of compacted soil. Made
of plated steel, includes collar, mould body and base plate.